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  4. High-Frequency (HF) Dielectric Powdered Materials

Electronic Components

High-Frequency (HF) Dielectric Materials

Dielectric oxide featuring high Q value, used for equipment such as GPS, Bluetooth, and antennas.
We offer a wide range of products with dielectric constant is ε= 9 to 120, depending on the selection of raw materials and adjusting of the composition ratio.

For High-Frequency Dielectric Ceramic Capacitors

Dielectric oxide with high dielectric constant and high Q value

Product name Dielectric constant *Temperature coefficient τf
fQvalue Firing temperature
HF-9 9.5 -15.0 ≧30,000 1250
HF-22K 21.5 -5.0 ≧45,000 1270
HF-37D 37.0 5.0 ≧35,000 1320
HF-45 45.0 -10.0 ≧37,000 1450
HF-90D 94.0 2.0 ≧5,000 1330
HF-120D 119.0 20.0 ≧2,000 1300

*:+25℃~+85℃ The above are representative and cannot be guaranteed.

Technical Sales Group, Sales Department

  • Phone: +81-52-661-3185
  • FAX : +81-52-652-3346